Russia is the biggest country in the world and one of the most powerful. Russian cooperation in the business sphere is going up.
That is why communication skills are perhaps the most important skills to use native language and study a foreign one. Good knowledge of grammar and wide vocabulary are the basis to express our thoughts correctly, but if you want to speak Russian fluently in different situations, only practice can help.
That is why learning Russian becomes a problem that students solve in different ways: some of them go abroad, others enter the Russian universities and find the opportunity to stay in Russia and communicate with people as much as possible. Some of foreigners start from scratch, others have some basis.
Although for the best results you need to immerse in the environment (it is the most effective way to get practice), not every student can afford a trip to an international school. But there is a perfect decision for those who cannot visit an international school – choose the right study program and study online.
So, what exactly you need to know to speak Russian?
- Learn alphabet and read Russian books;
- Learn Russian grammar and punctuation;
- Learn popular expressions;
- Learn a little of history to get to know the Russian culture.
The main tasks that the course solves how to:
- Learn to better understand speech in Russian, to have a good ear for language, to detect the hint of an accent in person’s voice.
- Develop people skills (e.g. presentations, speeches) and dialogue in Russian.
- Prepare to international exams.
- Study some new topics, learn the expressions that you can apply in real communication.
- Learn to think in Russian, not translate from English. The more practice you have, the faster you start think in language, use new words without hesitation, to choose the appropriate grammatical constructions.
- Enrich the vocabulary with modern vocabulary and Russian slang.
- Find different ways of expressing one thought and to choose what is better suited to a particular situation.
- Practicing Russian speech, which students regularly receive during the courses, will help avoid awkward situations at work, at business trips and etc.
Spoken English at Capital School Center
Language clubs are so useful for studying in a relaxed atmosphere. Students actively participate in debates on given topics, negotiations, thematic role-playing games, brainstorming, watch movies, listen to audio, even sing karaoke songs.
Our school classes have standard and mini format (up to 3 students). The small size of the group contributes to the fact, that each participant receives enough speaking practice and teacher’s attention.
The courses also include reading and listening parts to adapted or non-adapted (depending on the level) texts in the language, watching movies, writing assignments.
And, in these practical courses, integrated classes with Russian native speaker at least 90 minutes per week.
How can you help yourself?
If you want to completely improve the Russian language, you will benefit from taking a comprehensive course that walks you through the foundations of the language.
Watching Russian serials and movies. Do you like American popular serial “The friends”? So, in Russia there are a lot of funny serials that can help to improve your oral skills: «Универ», «Интерны», and for those who like to cook there is a perfect choice «Кухня».
Reading books. If you want to learn how to speak classic Russian language, you should read Tolstoy, Chekhov and Pushkin. But if you want to speak fluently, you should choose modern authors. You can also use adopted translation of English books.
Listening to music. Songs are perfect to learn Russian slang.
Start thinking in Russian. You can do daily routine work and think in Russian. For example, you are thinking: «I am going to do the dishes and then watch TV». But in your head you need to make yourself to think that way: «Я собираюсь помыть посуду и затем посмотреть телевизор». And you can say in aloud. It helps a lot in the studying process.
Online courses. If you’re a starter, online courses give you the opportunity to test the waters and see if this is exactly what you need to study.
The main objectives of the course
Common tasks of learning are:
- to combine theory with practice;
- smooth over the awkwardness of communicating;
- remember and improve grammar skills;
- learn how to speak as a native Russian speaker.
In Capital School Center, students can actually become co-authors of their training: flexibly adjust the schedule, the number and, most importantly, the content of lessons, choose the necessary topics, vocabulary.
New learning method
Teachers of Capital School Center have developed a unique 4D method of learning languages.
Interactive SMART panel helps to understand new topics quickly and memorize words effectively.

If you're learning Russian from scratch, but want to focus on speaking part, you can start with the basic level A1, but inform the administration in advance that you plan to continue to learn Russian.
We give future students the opportunity to understand on their own experience how the classes are held in our courses, and therefore invite you to a free trial lesson. Call or sign up through the form on the website.
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