Russian for beginners or the perfect choice to start to speak russian language

Russian learners, especially at the very beginning, consider speaking as the most difficult part of the language. To improve your Russian grammar and Russian pronunciation, you need to be able to practice the more the better.

Some advice for beginners

- Be prepare to make a lot of mistakes

Russian is not such simple as you may think.

Beside the difficult grammar, we have group of rules in punctuation that is necessarily in written Russian. If you need it to do business in this country, you have to learn how to use Russian punctuation. One small comma putting wrong by mistake changes the meaning of the Russian sentence to nothing or to the contrary.

russian for beginners
- Keep talking Russian
As you can see this language is not simple at all. It needs practice a lot. So, talk as soon as possible. You will make a lot of mistakes (I can assure you) but such mistakes help you to connect with people and understand them better.

How can you improve your Russian?

The most safe and proven method to do this is by joining (starting) a group class in a International Language School.

Capital School Center is the first innovative school of foreign languages which uses special education program integrated into SMART technology. The program was highly evaluated by international partners.
The school has all forms of education: group language classes, mini group classes, one-to-one studying, business course, preparation to the international exams, speaking clubs, studying abroad. If you live in other country or city and don’t have the opportunity to attend classes you can study online by Skype.

russian language for beginnersThe reasons why students choose group classes of Russian are many and various:

• It’s cheaper than individual Russian lessons;
• There are standard (6-7 persons) and mini (up to 3) groups in our international school. The more practice the more knowledge;

•It is perfect for beginners and for everyone who wants to meet new friends to speak Russian with;

• Our innovative method includes games, quests, situations in real time and even karaoke;
• Our teachers speak Russian slowly and clearly, explain the pronunciation of sounds in particular words.

4D method affects different perceptives and helps to memorize new information without overlearning.

французский онлайнIf you don’t want to attend group classes you can choose individual way to learn Russian.

There are a lot of benefits: you can choose your own score of studying process, you are the only student, a teacher pays all his attention to you improvement. A teacher can explain some Russian expressions if you don’t understand.
If you have some question about Russian classes for beginners call us. Our lessons will help you improve your Russian grammar, speaking and listening skills.
Different types of education are for different reasons. If you found what you need don’t stop and go on to improve your Russian.

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